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Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $1.5m Motor Vehicle Collision
As a result of a car accident, our client, a resident of Ottawa, suffered pain and neurological conditions which impacted his mobility and ability to continue working in sales. This experience also caused depression and anxiety. Through litigation, we were able to achieve a $1,500,000.00 settlement of all motor vehicle accident claims. In addition, our client continues to receive monthly long term disability benefits and Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $1.5m Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client, a recent immigrant to Canada, was seriously injured in a head on car crash in Ottawa. We assisted him obtain a catastrophic impairment designation as a result of numerous pain symptoms, psychological and cognitive impairments. As a result of this designation, he was provided medical and rehabilitative services valued in excess of $300,000.00. We also commenced a court action against the at fault drivers and obtained settlements of all claims on behalf of our client and his family for the sum of one million, five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00).
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $1.3m Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client, a resident of Kanata, was injured when another vehicle ran a red light at an intersection and struck her car. As a result of the MVA, our client developed pain symptoms including headaches, back pain, shoulder pain and hip pain. The accident also caused serious psychological conditions including social anxiety, driving anxiety and depression. We were able to secure a catastrophic impairment designation for our client and ensured she received the best treatment for several years. After suing the at-fault driver and LTD insurance company, we were able to successfully negotiate settlements of negligence, no-fault accidents benefits and long term disability benefit claims for a combined sum totaling $1,341,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $1.25m Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client, a resident of Ottawa, was injured when an intoxicated driver struck his vehicle after crossing the centre line of the road. As a result of the collision, our client sustained a concussion and suffered from post concussive symptoms, anxiety, as well as back pain and headaches. All motor vehicle and LTD claims were resolved for $1,245,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $1.1m Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client, a middle-aged resident of Eastern Ontario, was injured when the vehicle he was operating was struck from behind by another vehicle as he was waiting to make a left turn. As a result of the accident, our client suffered pain across his body, including his neck, right arm, shoulders, hip legs and back. He also experienced headaches and psychological symptoms, including social withdrawal, driving anxiety and depression. As a result of his injuries, our client was unable to return to his part time job. Our lawyers were able to have the accident benefits insurer agree that our client was catastrophically impaired and then negotiated a settlement of all accident benefits claims for approximately $800,000.00 and settled the negligence claim against the at-fault driver for an additional amount of approximately $300,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $970K Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client, a Pembroke resident, was injured when her vehicle was rear ended by another car at a red light. As a result of the collision, our client developed pain in her neck, shoulder and arms. She also suffered a concussion; psychological conditions including depression and anxiety; and cognitive deficits, including reduced attention, memory and word-finding difficulties. We helped ensure our client received the care she needed and assisted her obtain a catastrophic impairment designation. Our client was not able to return to her previous position of employment and after having several years of funding provided for treatment, was awarded approximately $970,000.00 in settlement money from her own insurance company and the insurance company for the at-fault driver. In addition, our client continues to receive long term disability insurance benefits to compensate her for income loss, paid on a monthly basis, until age 65, or when she is able to return to work.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $910K Motor Vehicle Collision Claims
Our client, a resident of Cornwall, Ontario, was involved in two motor vehicle accidents within less than 6 months. Both collisions were caused by the other drivers. As a result of the collisions, our client suffered a concussion, pain across her back, jaw pain, headaches, vision difficulty, cognitive deficits and psychological symptoms including depression and anxiety. We were able to secure a catastrophic designation for our client under the no-fault statutory accident benefits schedule (SABS), which enabled her to receive the treatment she needed to assist with her recovery over a period of several years. We were also able to later negotiate settlements of all claims for negligence and no-fault accident benefits, for a sum of $910,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $860K Motor Vehicle Collision Claim
Our client, an Ottawa resident, was injured in a motor vehicle accident as a result of the defendant’s negligence, and suffered severe back pain. Because of his back pain, our client could not continue his job as a skilled labourer and needed to find sedentary work. After the Pre-Trial Conference and just prior to trial, the insurer significantly increased its offer to settle from previous offers, and the case settled for $860,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $825K Motor Vehicle Accident Negligence and Accident Benefits Claims
Our client, 50-year-old resident of Ottawa, was injured in a motor vehicle collision and suffered from back and shoulder pain, along with depressive symptoms, sleep loss and anxiety. As a result of her injuries, she was unable to return to her position as a stylist at a beauty salon. After suing the at-fault driver, we were able to settle all claims for $825,000.00 for pain, suffering, expenses for treatment and income loss. Our client also received $65,000.00 worth of treatment and five years of income replacement benefit payments under the no-fault accident benefits automobile insurance system.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $825K Motor Vehicle Accident Negligence
Our client is an Ottawa resident whose MVA case was abandoned by his prior lawyer. At the time of his accident, our client was already disabled as a result of a workplace injury and was in receipt of WSIB weekly income replacement benefits. Because the client suffered from new cognitive impairments as a result of the MVA, we took on the case and were able to breathe new air into it; referring our client for treatment and assessments. Ultimately, we were able to resolve the client's claims for a combined AB/Tort total sum of $825,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $516K Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client was injured when a vehicle exiting from the Queensway (Ottawa Highway 417) lost control at an off ramp. As a result of the collision, our client suffered a concussion; pain in her neck and back; headaches and went on to develop depression, sleeping difficulties and cognitive symptoms, including difficulty with concentration and memory. We were able to negotiate a settlement of all claims for our client for an amount totaling $516,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $490K Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client, an Ottawa resident, was injured while walking through a parking lot. She was struck by the driver in a car that was not paying attention. As a result of the collision, our client suffered from sprains, a fractured vertebrae and went on to develop chronic pain. These injuries impaired her from returning to work as a server. After commencing a personal injury lawsuit in court, we obtained damages totaling $490,000.00 for our client.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $470K Motor Vehicle Collision Claims
Our client, an Ottawa resident who is employed with the Federal Government, was involved in a T-bone collision with an SUV. We sued the at-fault driver and the City of Ottawa (for inadequate snow/ice removal). The insurance companies and City of Ottawa provided damage payments totaling $470,000.00, for pain & suffering, medical expenses and the loss of competitive advantage in the workplace. In addition to this, our client received funding for treatment through the Ontario automobile no fault accident benefits schedule and long term disability benefits which topped up his income to 100% of the pre-accident level.
$342K Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client, an active retiree from the Ottawa area, was injured in a motor vehicle accident in Northern Ontario, when her vehicle was t-boned. As a result of the collision, she suffered fractured ribs and a splenic injury, requiring the removal of her spleen. She also suffered a traumatic brain injury and psychological impairments. As a result of her injuries, she was unable to return to her active lifestyle and sports. We assisted the client with her Accident Benefits and commenced a lawsuit on her behalf. Ultimately, we were able to resolve the client's claims for a combined total sum of $342,000.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $340K Motor Vehicle Collision
Our clients, residents of Eastern Ontario, were injured when they had a green light at an intersection and another car entered the intersection after running a red light, causing a T-bone collision. As a result of the collision our clients suffered from fractures to the ankles and wrists. Although the fractures healed, our clients continued to have ongoing pain symptoms. In addition to receiving reimbursement for lost income through collateral insurance benefits and having treatment paid for, we obtained an additional $340,000.00 for our clients by way of settlement against the at-fault driver.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $302K Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client was in her late 60s living in Carleton Place, Ontario. She was involved in a serious motor vehicle crash, when another driver suddenly cut her off. She was forced to veer off the highway at high-speed, crashing into the ditch. As a result of the collision, she suffered a moderate traumatic brain injury, chronic pain, shoulder tears, and adjustment disorder, with anxiety and depression. We assisted her with her no-fault Accident Benefits claim and sued the at-fault driver who cut her off. In addition to receiving approximately $43,000.00 of treatment and the payment of three years of income replacement benefits, we were able to negotiate a global settlement of $302,000.00 with her own accident benefits insurer and the insurance company of the at-fault driver.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $295K Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client, a resident of Kanata, was injured when another vehicle made an illegal U-turn which caused a collision. As a result of the collision, our client suffered depression, anxiety and headaches. He also suffered from fatigue and cognitive deficits. Due to the accident our client had to stop working at a restaurant two years prior to retirement. Following litigation, we were able to resolve all motor vehicle accident claims for $295,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $278K Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client, a resident of Eastern Ontario, was injured in a motor vehicle collision. The accident occurred when our client's vehicle was cut off by another vehicle on the Queensway (Highway 417). As a result of client's injuries, she missed time from work and suffered shoulder pain and depressive symptoms. We were able to negotiate a settlement of her insurance and negligence claims for damages totaling $278,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $261K Long Term Disability Claim
Our client, a resident of Renfrew County missed four years of work as a result of her disability arising from anxiety, depression and pain. Her long term disability insurance company took the position that she was not disabled from working. We initiated a lawsuit against the insurance company and were able to resolve her claims for damages totaling $261,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $255K Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client, an Ottawa resident, was injured in a motor vehicle accident caused by the negligence of the defendants. As a result, our client suffered serious injuries including pain, depression and driving anxiety. The claim settled for an all-inclusive sum of $255,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $250K Long Term Disability Claim
Our client, a health care professional and resident of Ottawa, had his long term disability benefits terminated as he approached his 60th birthday. Our client suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome, which prevented him from working full time. After suing his insurance company and a failed Mediation, the insurance company agreed before the trial to pay a $250,000.00 settlement to resolve the claim.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $240K Health Care Negligence Claim
Our client, a senior citizen retiree who resided in Brockville, was injured when he fell while attempting to rise out of bed to a standing position. It was alleged that health care staff failed to properly support our client. As a result of his fall, our client suffered a fracture to his hip. Our client was awarded a $240,000.00 settlement to compensate him for his injury.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $240K Motor Vehicle Accident No Fault Accident Benefits Claim
Our client, a resident of Kingston, came to us after his previous lawyer had already settled his negligence claim for a motor vehicle accident. After having already used approximately $130,000.00 worth of benefits for treatment over the prior six years, we were able to negotiate a lump sum settlement of all accident benefits claims on a full and final basis for an additional sum of $240,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $235K Motor Vehicle Accident Fatality
Our clients were the adult family members of an Ottawa resident who died in a serious head on motor vehicle collision between two cars. A claim was brought against the at-fault driver and at Mediation a settlement of $235,000.00 was achieved. This was a partial settlement as additional family members were represented by a another Ottawa law firm.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $215K LTD Insurance Claim
Our client was a service technician that worked in a repair garage in Ontario. She started to suffer from recurrent pre-syncope, leaving her with constant dizziness and sudden episodes of vertigo. This rendered her unable to work. She went off work and applied for long-term disability benefits through her work insurance. Her disability insurance company took the position that she was not disabled from working. When her benefits were denied, she retained our services to sue her disability benefits insurer. We initiated a lawsuit against the insurance company and were able to resolve her claims for damages totaling $215,000.00 at mediation.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $208K Motor Vehicle Collision
Our client was a Kanata resident that was involved in a head-on winter collision. He suffered from numerous physical, cognitive and psychological impairments, including the following: a concussion, whiplash, a meniscal tear, and anxiety. We assisted him with his no-fault Accident Benefits claim through his own insurer. After having already used approximately $56,000.00 worth of benefits for treatment and receiving income replacement benefits over the course of the prior four years, we were able to negotiate a lump sum settlement of all Accident Benefits claims on a full and final basis for an additional sum of $208,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $200K Long Term Disability Claim
Our client, a resident of Ottawa, was unable to return to his position of employment at a grocery store, as a result of impairments related to pain and fatigue. His long-term disability insurance company however refused to approve his claim for disability benefits. We sued the insurance company and were able to negotiate a settlement of $200,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $200K Long Term Disability Claim
Our client, a resident of Ottawa, became impaired and could not continue working at his job as a result of chronic fatigue syndrome. The long-term disability insurance company refused to approve the claim from the outset, taking the position that the chronic fatigue syndrome is a subjective illness and that our client’s impairments were not severe. After the matter was set down for trial, the defendant insurance company reversed its long-held position denying the claim, and approved our client’s claim for monthly disability benefits going forward, and in addition paid damages of $200,000.00 representing overdue arrears and legal costs.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $190K Motor Vehicle Accident Claim
Our client, an Ottawa resident, was injured when the defendant made an improper left turn in front his vehicle. As a result, our client suffered from physical pain and psychological injuries. As a result of his impairments, he missed time from work and suffered an inability to perform his housekeeping tasks. We secured settlements totaling $190,000 to compensate out client for his pain and suffering, treatment expenses, lost wages and housekeeping expenses.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $181K Family Law Act Claims
Our clients, a father and two children, retained us to represent their Family Law Act Claims related to an injury to their wife/mother. Our clients were not injured but suffered from a loss of guidance, care and companionship, as a result of a serious leg injury and psychological impairments suffered by their wife/mother in a motor cycle accident. This matter was successfully resolved for a payment of $180,700.00 for the FLA claims.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $165K Motor Vehicle Accident Claim
Our client, a resident of Gloucester, Ontario, was injured when her car was struck by another vehicle while proceeding through an intersection with a green light. The MVA resulted in our client suffering from pain in her back and neck, along with a somatic symptom disorder. Although our client already suffered from significant symptoms before the accident happened, we were able to negotiate a settlement for $165,000.00.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $110K Trip and Fall Claim
Our client, a senior citizen residing in Ottawa, Ontario, was injured when she tripped on carpeting which was not properly secured to the floor, and had buckled. As a result of her fall, our client suffered a fractured wrist and bruised ribs. After suing the property owner and occupier, we were able to secure a settlement totalling $110,000.00 to compensate our client for her pain and suffering.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $107K Wheelchair-Pedestrian Accident
Our client, a senior citizen from Vankleek Hill, was injured when she was struck by a motorized wheel chair. As a result of this incident, our client fell to the ground and suffered soft tissue injuries which resulted in a loss of mobility for several weeks and ongoing mild to moderate leg pain. We were able to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company for $107,000.00 to resolve this claim.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $100K Motor Vehicle Accident Claim
Our client, a senior citizen living in Cornwall, Ontario, was injured in a head on collision and suffered a fracture of his right leg. Our lawyers were able to assist the client receive and incur the maximum coverage available to him for medical, rehabilitative and attendant care through his no fault insurance benefits. We were also able to negotiate a settlement of $100,000.00 for pain and suffering, from the insurance company for the at-fault driver.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $93K Motor Vehicle Accident Claim
Our client, a resident of Pembroke, Ontario, was injured when he was a pedestrian and was stuck by a car while crossing the street. As a result of the accident, our client suffered from headaches; psychological distress; and pain and stiffness in his back, knee and shoulder. Our client was a retiree at the time of the MVA and after applying the deducible, received a damage settlement of $93,000.00 for his pain and suffering.
Ontario Injury & Disability Insurance Lawyers $90K Motor Vehicle Accident Claim
Our client, a resident of Orleans, Ontario, was injured in a motor vehicle accident when another car pulled out of driveway in front of our client’s vehicle, causing a collision. As a result of the collision, our client suffered neck and back pain and anxiety. She was able to continue working and did not suffer a reduction of her income. We were able to negotiate a settlement of MVA related claims for $90,000.000.