If you have been in a car accident involving injury or personal damage, you will need to file a claim with your insurance company. An accident benefits adjuster, also simply known as your claims adjuster, is part of this claims process. Take a look below.
What Does An Accident Benefits Adjuster Do?
After you have reported your claim with the insurance company, a claims adjuster will be assigned to your file. Again, typically the claims adjuster will be one to also handle procedures related to accident benefits. Once you have been assigned a claims adjuster, in some cases, he or she will want to speak with you in person; other times, the case will be handled over the phone. Your claims adjuster will also give you a claims number.
Essentially, the claims adjuster is often your main point of contact you will have with your insurance company. The adjuster will be the one who guides you through the entire claims process from beginning to end.
The process begins by determining the extent to which your claim is covered by your insurance policy. He or she will then discuss the coverage that is available to you as well as any deductibles that may apply. Again, your claims adjuster will also guide you through the entire claims process, including the area of accident benefits. Your claims adjuster will also be able to tell you if your insurance company provides coverage for a replacement vehicle in the interim.
If you have any questions regarding a lack of clarification regarding your policy, if you are unsatisfied with your insurance company’s decision regarding fault or you are not satisfied with the cash settlement that is offered to you, the claims adjuster is who you want to speak to. He or she will be the one to address any and all questions you have regarding your claim.
As far as accident benefits go, your claims adjuster will be the one to outline the process of getting your accident benefits claim processed. Often, your adjuster will be the one to provide you with an Accident Benefits Application Package as well (although it could also be anyone from the insurance company). This will set the procedures for getting your claim processed into motion once the relevant forms are completed.
If you have been injured or disabled and are seeking compensation or insurance coverage, please contact us today for a free consultation.