Motor vehicle accidents can cause long lasting physical, emotional, social and financial damage to those injured and even to their family.
What Are Statutory Accident Benefits? Who Is Eligible?
The Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule, also known as SABS or no-fault accident benefits, is a provincial regulation of benefits that all insurance companies in Ontario provide. Benefits under the SABS are available to any driver, passenger or pedestrian who is injured in motor vehicle accident, regardless of who is at fault.
Statutory accident benefits is a mandatory coverage in Ontario. It’s also included with all basic insurance policies.
It is also important to note that any person who suffers psychological injuries, regardless of whether or not they were involved in the accident, can also apply for accident benefits. In other words, even if you were not involved in the car accident yourself but you still experienced psychological damage as a result (if for example, a love one was killed in the accident), you may still be able to qualify for accident benefits.
Among other things, accident benefits are designed to compensate for any medical or rehab expenses that are not covered by OHIP and to replace lost income while you are recovering. There are several different types of accident benefits, including: medical, rehabilitation and attendant care benefits, income replacement benefits, death and funeral benefits, caregiver benefits, and housekeeping/home maintenance benefits.
Please note that eligibility for these accident benefits is not automatic. There is a different set of criteria for each type of accident benefit.
How Long Do I Have to Report My Injuries?
If you have been injured in a car accident, you should report your injuries to your insurance company within 7 days of the accident. Once these have been reported, your insurer will send you an Application of Benefits Form (or OCF-1 Form), which you have 30 days to complete. If you do not complete it in this timeframe, you may be required to provide a reasonable explanation for why you did not complete it.
If you have been injured or disabled and are seeking compensation or insurance coverage due to a motor vehicle accident, or you are wondering what accident benefits you are entitled to, call SG Injury Law at (613) 518-2416 for a free consultation.