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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Filing a Disability Claim


If you sustain an injury or illness that results in a long-term disability, you may not be able to return to work or earn a living wage. In this scenario, you can seek financial benefits to replace your lost wages through one or more programs, such as the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). It is important…

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Municipal Liability for Injuries on Icy or Snow-Covered Sidewalks


Every winter and spring, pedestrians in Ottawa and across Eastern Ontario are injured after slipping and falling on municipal sidewalks due to icy or snowy conditions. Under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O 2.001, c. 25, municipalities owe a duty to ensure that its sidewalks and roads are kept in a reasonable state of repair. According…

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Social Host Liability Update


With St. Patrick’s Day upon us and Covid restrictions easing, many will be celebrating by hosting a party and serving alcohol. While commercial host liability has long been established in Ottawa and Ontario, many social hosts do not think about the potential for liability when serving alcohol to their guests. Under the current state of…

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What to do if You Were Injured on Municipal Property in Ontario


Over the last several weeks, the weather in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario has been treacherous, with icy conditions throughout the City.  Unfortunately, when properties, roads, pathways and sidewalks are not properly maintained, slip and fall injuries caused by ice and snow are bound to happen. If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall on…

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