If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident in Ottawa, or anywhere across Ontario, you are entitled to no-fault accident benefits. These benefits include coverage such as medical and rehabilitation treatment and an income replacement benefit, among other things. What benefits are available to you depends on the nature of your injuries and how…
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According to an article by CTV news, data released by the City of Ottawa shows just how dangerous our roads can be. In 2020 alone, there were 10,047 motor vehicle collisions in Ottawa. While some of these are minor fender benders, others can result in serious or catastrophic injuries and even death. Numbers are down from…
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After being injured in a motor vehicle accident or slip-and-fall accident in Ottawa or across Ontario, you may require legal assistance to recover your losses and get your life back on track. Likewise, if your long term disability benefits are denied, you may need a lawyer to help you dispute the refusal. Many people don’t…
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In early December, 2020, the Ontario Provincial Government passed a law imposing a new notice period on slip and fall injury victims who are injured after slipping and falling on ice or snow. This new legislation, Bill 118 (also known as the Occupier’s Liability Amendment Act), is effective December 8, 2020 and requires that slip…
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After a motor vehicle accident in Ottawa, or anywhere else across Ontario, injured parties are entitled to sue the at-fault driver and/or owner of the vehicle that caused the accident. If you were in an accident, you may be able to claim the following forms of compensation in a lawsuit: a) General damages for pain…
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