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Adverse Cost Insurance for Ottawa Injury and LTD claims


Many lawyers in Ottawa offer contingency fee agreements which provide that there are “no fees unless you win”. However, what exactly are the risks if you lose your case? In Ontario, the party that loses a lawsuit in most cases is required to pay the costs and disbursements of the successful party. Adverse cost insurance…

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I am being charged with a criminal offence: Can I still get my Ontario Accident Benefits?


Every automobile insurance policy in Ottawa and across Ontario contains mandatory Accident Benefits coverage. This includes weekly Income Replacement Benefits and Non-Earner Benefits. This also includes Medical and Rehabilitation Benefits to help you recover from any accident-related injuries. Generally, you are entitled to recover Accident Benefits, regardless of who is at fault for the accident….

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Carlingview Manor COVID-19 Long-Term Care Negligence and Wrongful Death Claims


Senior citizens in long-term care homes have been hard hit by the Coronavirus, COVID-19. In Ottawa alone, at the Carlingview Manor, there were two COVID-19 outbreaks. During an outbreak between April 7 and June 18, 170 residents and 89 staff members tested positive for COVID-19. Unfortunately, numerous residents have died as a result of complications…

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