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Information Regarding the January 2019 OC Transpo Bus Crash In Ottawa


On January 11th, 2019, an OC Transpo bus tragically crashed into a bus shelter overhang at Westboro station here in Ottawa. Our office would like to send our deepest condolences to the passengers and the families who were affected by this accident. If you have been injured by this accident, know that there are resources…

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Case Law Report: What if you Disagree with the Insurance Company’s Expert?


In motor vehicle accident cases and other claims, insurance companies are permitted to refer you to their own medical experts to provide “independent” legal opinions. It is well documented that in some instances, these experts are simply “hired guns”, paid by the insurance company to write reports favourable to the insurance company. What can you…

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How to Claim Compensation in Ontario for a Dog Bite Case


A Dog Bit Me. Now What? Dogs are lovely companions and we often consider them as members of the family. However, even the gentlest pet can become ill-tempered when scared, stressed, or ill. In Ontario, if a pet has injured you, you are entitled to seek compensation. Preliminary Steps If you have been bitten by…

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