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The Most Common Causes of Slip-and-Fall Injuries


Every day, patients are taken to the hospital emergency room after being injured in a slip and fall. These falls can result in anything from minor bruises to broken bones or even life-threatening skull fractures. To help you avoid serious accidents, be aware of these risk factors for a slip-and-fall injury: Slippery or Uneven FloorsSlips…

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Why You Should Hire a Lawyer to Fight Your Long-Term Disability Claim


Filing for a disability claim can be a long, painstaking process. While some insurance companies have a streamlined process that gets your funds flowing to you in short order, others may take a great deal of time. Unfortunately, in many instances, valid claims for long term disability insurance are often denied by long term disability…

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6 Myths About Personal Injury Claims – Debunked


Personal injury claims are steeped in lore. There are five major myths surrounding personal injury claims and lawyers and we’re going to debunk below. You don’t need a lawyer This is a common belief amongst some people who have been injured. However, this is generally a myth if the goal is to get fair compensation…

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10 Surprising Facts About Car Accidents In Canada


Canadian drivers are involved in a fair amount of car accidents. While some are due to wildlife crossing the road or our due to harsh winter weather, there are other factors involved. To give you a better understanding about vehicle collisions in Canada, here are 10 facts about car accidents: Making a phone call by…

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