Catastrophic injuries are nothing short of devastating. They are injuries that can significantly alter the course of your life. You may require rehabilitation, assistance, and care for the rest of your life; you could endure a substantial amount of pain and suffering. You may be unable to return to work. Catastrophic injuries leave physical, emotional,…
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Slip and fall accidents are among the most typical injuries that personal injury lawyers go up against. Many people do not realize that slip and fall accidents can result in very serious injuries. In fact, it is not uncommon for slip and fall injuries to require both long-term treatment and some form of rehab like…
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Motor vehicle accidents can cause long lasting physical, emotional, social and financial damage to those injured and even to their family. What Are Statutory Accident Benefits? Who Is Eligible? The Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule, also known as SABS or no-fault accident benefits, is a provincial regulation of benefits that all insurance companies in Ontario provide….
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Long-term disability insurance is designed to provide compensation for those who become injured or ill and are no longer able to return to work. Payments are offered on a monthly basis based on your earnings and can offset any expenses that result from being unable to return to work. Typically, long-term disability payments cover anywhere…
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Wrongful death cases occur due to criminal negligence. Examples of wrongful death cases include car accidents (the most common type of wrongful death claim in Ontario), work-related accidents, medical malpractice or nursing home negligence. If you have lost a loved one due to wrongful death, it is important to know what type of compensation is…
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