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Brockville Long Term Disability Lawyer

No one ever expects to suffer a disability that keeps them out of work for the foreseeable future. However, many people take steps to protect themselves against worst-case scenario situations like these by purchasing long-term disability (LTD) insurance policies.

Unfortunately, many LTD policyholders find that long term disability insurance companies routinely and unjustly deny or delay the pay out of valid claims. When this happens, it can make it difficult for disabled policyholders to continue supporting yourself and your family at a time when you need it most.

At SG Injury Law, we can help hold the insurance company accountable for their obligation. Contact a Brockville long-term disability lawyer for a free consultation today.

Why to Choose SG Injury Law

Choosing the right law firm to help you access your disability benefits should not be as difficult as dealing with your denial. Here are some benefits of choosing SG Injury Law:

Why Was My Claim for Long Term Disability Benefits In Brockville Denied?

After you have been diagnosed with a disability that will prevent you from working or earning a living for the foreseeable future, you may turn to your LTD benefits to protect yourself and your family.

Unfortunately, you may be surprised when your claim for benefits in Brockville is denied. There are numerous reasons insurance companies can deny a claimant’s claim for benefits. However, there are some that occur more often than others. These include:

However, even if your long term disability insurer denies your claim due to one of these reasons, you may still be entitled to benefits. Insurance companies are notorious for denying or delaying valid claims in an attempt to protect their bottom line. A Brockville long term disability lawyer can help you recover the benefits that you are owed.

How to Handle a Brockville Long Term Disability Claim Denial

In general, long term disability insurers take the position that the claimant is responsible for proving that they are entitled to benefits. In many cases, your Brockville LTD lawyer will review your long term disability claim to determine what the issue was and how to correct it. Generally, by fixing any errors or providing the insurance company with the necessary information they need, you can get your denial overturned.

There are some cases, however, where the insurance company remains rigid in their decision to deny your claim. When this happens, an external appeal may be your only option. Your long-term disability lawyer will be prepared to file a lawsuit against the insurance company to recover the benefits that you rightly deserve.

Meet With a Long Term Disability Lawyer in Brockville Today

You do not have time to wait for the insurance company to eventually issue you the benefits that are rightfully yours. You need your benefits and you need them now. Get help making the insurance company pay.

Contact an aggressive Brockville long term disability lawyer at SG Injury Law to find out what’s next for your case. Schedule your free consultation when you call our office at (613) 518-2416 or fill out our quick contact form and our Brockville injury lawyer will be in touch.